(+966) 556681863
(+966) 530808090
Building 13, Office No. 5, Riyadh, (K.S.A).

Lab Items

Dental laboratory

The products needed to run a dental lab vary greatly depending on what type of dental restorations the lab specializes in. A lab focused on fixed dental restorations will look very differently than one focused on removables, and a full-service dental lab will need products, materials and technologies to power the creation of all types of restorations.
The shift from hand crafted dental restorations to crowns, bridges and even dentures designed in a computer and produced via milling and 3D printing has happened rapidly and is changing the dental laboratory industry and the dental industry as a whole. These cutting edge technologies are making it possible for dental labs to incorporate industrial efficiencies into the fabrication of patient specific prostheses.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)